Sri K Pattabhi Jois said, "Yoga is 99 percent practice, one percent theory." This blog is a resource to explore the one percent theory and to inspire you on the mat.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Hello Students,
I have decided to post a weekly blog every Sunday that will discuss significant topics about the practice. Through the blog I hope to connect with those of you that are in Philadelphia where we spend most of our time together in silence in the Mysore class, as well as those of you whom I have the opportunity to teach in my travels. Thank you all for the honor of teaching you and here's to going deeper into Yoga together. Om Shanti.


  1. Your energy is intense! I loved the workshop. You are an amazing inspiration and I know you have some piece of Sri K Pattabhi Jois in you.
    Your success will continue to grow and grow and GROW!

  2. Thank you Amy!!! I'm so happy we all had such an amazing time together... keep up your dedication and enjoy the great community at the Bandha Room. See you in July, David

  3. Good sharing of this post. thanks.


David welcomes comments on his posts, however, due to time constraints he is not able to respond to every comment.