Sri K Pattabhi Jois said, "Yoga is 99 percent practice, one percent theory." This blog is a resource to explore the one percent theory and to inspire you on the mat.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Real Progress: Ageing and Ego

Greetings! I'm teaching this week in Olympia! I'm happy to be able to share Yoga with so many dedicated, serious, and beautiful people even if I miss the philly crew but I'll be back soon! Below I have posted three videos from various discussions and talks I have given the past year. The first one discusses ageing, the second one discusses our egos and daily practice, and the last one is a response I gave to a woman who was struggling with progress in her practice.
May each of us go within with devotion and prayer to find and share our Yoga...enjoy! David

David Garrigues on Ageing and Ashtanga from David Garrigues on Vimeo.

David Garrigues on Ashtanga Yoga: The Ego and Practice from David Garrigues on Vimeo.

David Garrigues on Get Ready for Practice from David Garrigues on Vimeo.


  1. Thank you for the reminders about aging and yoga...cycle in and cycle out, but do not stop. Sounds right to me.

  2. Hey David, we miss you too but Karen is of course keeping the energy high in the shala during your absence. Thanks for the posts, especially on getting ready for practice and accepting the limitations of your body as you age. So true!

  3. There is such a contrast (though not a contradiction) between what you're saying in the video about aging and the one on "getting ready" - I do all those things (biking, hiking, 'running around' and 'sitting around' working) which sound like impediments to the focus and rest we need to benefit from a lean, clean, energetic practice. You travel a lot - could you perhaps speak to the challenges and strategies of the committed Ashtangi at some point? Part of me is so sad to leave you, my teacher, and the community we've all built here in Philly for the work abroad that lies ahead. Yet, I think it's part of a great opportunity to go deeper with the very same practice (yet, experience has proven the opposite - I usually come home quite run down once practice falters under the weight of the pressures of a less supportive environment). Thank you, David!!

  4. Something happens when we start seeing life as cycles/circles, as you propose, somewhat going through a very rough time now makes me think that it is "only" a cycle, then again, whenever things get good again I will have to remember that it is also a cycle...

    I am reminded of that wise sage who gave a king a ring in which he had written "this too shall pass"

  5. Thanks for your comments. Yoga practice gives us a seat from which to view and ride the cycles and changing states; allows us to get some space from our reactions, our conditioned responses. Even a tiny space at the right moment can really help... even if it's not easy when strong attachment or aversion arises.


David welcomes comments on his posts, however, due to time constraints he is not able to respond to every comment.